Site Redesign
The new layout is finally complete! It was long overdue, but let's bask in its clean lines and playful presentation instead of complaining. My brother Greg provided vital help with this endeavor; without him, I'd still be tinkering with DNS settings. You might be wondering what you can do to show your appreciation. I would recommend visiting his site and buying some sound fonts. It can't hurt to stock up.
Looking back at some of my old content treated me to a larger-than-recommended dose of nostalgia. Some people know from an early age what they want to do as adults. Others, like me, were born with a 6B graphite pencil in their mouths and a gum eraser in one ear. I recall spending long hours populating sketchbooks with armored knights who invaded and defended their respective castles across reams of toothy Bristol. So much has changed since those days, but the creative spirit remains strong.
On the topic of content, watch this space in the coming weeks. Or better yet, follow my twitter to stay updated. For now, enjoy a taste of things to come.
Cold-blooded killer
Explorer of Midora
Part the banana leaves to discover a new title screen I made for the upcoming Midora game. Just be careful, humans haven't set foot in the Solar Temple for quite some time...
I am working with a talented fellow artist, Zhi, to produce the game's art, focusing mainly on sprite animation. You can see a few examples of loops I've made below.
The protagonist, Snow, is pretty good at rolling. Also, her pony tail swishes when she runs. Hypnotic!
Her vine whip comes in handy when she traverses dangerous ruins.
This treasure chest may be empty, but who knows what breathtaking loot the other ones hold...
Even the temple flora can be a threat to Snow. An adorable threat.
For more information about the game, check out these links:
Watch Midora gameplay on Youtube!
Like the Midora facebook page!