art direction, pixel art, 2D animation, level tiles, concept painting, illustration, graphic design, game design
Designed the visuals for "Pixel Prison Blues", audience favorite at IndieCade Festival 2015 (Buffalo Wild Wings, BumbleBear Games, 2015)
Created visuals and managed off-site freelancer for Bush's Bean Dash, a national TV spot and mobile game, (Bush's Best, Psyop, 2014)
Animated classic Disney characters for "Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion," a top 5 title nominated by Nintendo at the E3 3DS Software Showcase (Dreamrift, 2012)
Created pixel art displayed as part of the "Talk to Me" exhibit in the Museum of Modern Art (Sifteo, 2011)
- Designed Apprentice and Apprentice 2, which earned 12 AGS awards; over 140,000 downloads; and coverage in PC Action, PC Gamer, and Microsoft XP Magazine (2004)